River Tay Freshwater Protection Order
Administered by The Tay Liaison Committee. Comprising of Nominated Representatives of Angling Clubs and Other Supporting Organisations

Freshwater Fishery Wardens
It is the duty of all Clubs and Riparian owners to ensure there is total compliance with the Order by organising regular checks on beats, recording dates and any details of note giving times. Incident reports are required when it is necessary to involve Police attendance.
There is often some confusion on the duties of the Wardens and why it is essential that they conform to the terms of the Order and the training which is carried out by the TLC. As the title infers Freshwater Fishery Wardens deal with anglers who wish to fish for all Freshwater Species, Brown Trout, Arctic Char, Grayling, Pike, Perch and Roach.
The training through which Warrant Cards are applied for is important. Training Sessions will take place under the agreed conditions set out by the TLC. Attendance is required by all who have been submitted by associations and accepted as suitable persons who will carry out the required duties. Police Wildlife Officers attend these meetings and contribute information on the various clauses in the Act along with practical knowledge.
The Warrant Cards issued clearly state the issuing terms, and the cards must only be used in connection with the fishing under the Tay Order.
Club Committee Members can only enquire if an angler has a permit but don’t have the legal authority to ask to inspect any permit or tackle. Wardens powers are as detailed under the terms of the Act.
Applications for Wardens Warrant Cards.
1. All names and addresses are to be submitted to the TLC Recorder, who will inform the applicant when to attend for training.
2. The TLC Recorder will issue the following; a letter confirming the applicant has attended a training course; a training certificate and the form for sending to the Scottish Criminal Records Office.
3. The completed form, with an original Public Utility Bill, i.e. electricity, gas, telephone, etc., and the fee currently £13.60 is sent by the applicant to SCRO.
4. On receiving the return, the applicant will send this with all documents and two passport size photos to;
Salmon and Recreational Fisheries, 1B-North Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ
5. The Wardens Card will be sent direct to the applicant, who will then inform the TLC Recorder of the receipt of the card, so that he can maintain an up to date list of Operational Wardens.
It is recommended that there is always a witness accompanying a duty Warden to observe what happens and to confirm the action taken.
Notebooks, a camera and mobile phone are essential items to be carried