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The Tay Liaison Committee is a non-governmental organisation. Its primary purpose is to oversee the operation of the River Tay Protection Order, (TPO) and to report annually, or when requested to do so, to Marine Scotland (The Scottish Government).

The TLC also provides a forum where fishing issues can be debated, and management recommendations made. All Meetings are open to the attendance of Members of the Public who may request to address the Members by arrangement with the Chair.



  1. To ensure access and increased fishing opportunities for brown trout and other non-migratory freshwater species for all anglers at reasonable cost.

  2. Where appropriate, act as a link organisation by providing a forum for liaison between a broad range of institutions, bodies and individuals involved with the management, exploitation and conservation of loch and riverine resource within the River Tay catchment area.

  3. Provide an effective administration structure capable of the collection and dissemination of statistics required in accordance with the River Tay Area Protection Order (1986), and the re-instated River Tay Area Protection Order (1998), and any variations thereof.

  4. Promote responsible and sustainable management of the loch and riverine resources, with particular reference to the conservation of the freshwater fishery covered by the TPO.

  5. Co-ordinate the collation and dissemination of information regarding freshwater fishing within the waters covered by the TPO.

  6. Provide a framework for the effective resolution of disputes pertaining to the implementation of the TPO.

  7. Facilitate the proper monitoring and policing of the waters covered by the TPO.



The members are the representatives of all angling clubs within the River Tay Catchment Area with additional representatives from riparian owners and other interested bodies. Additional Members can be co-opted but do not have a vote in decision making.

Office-Bearers and Committee

The business of the committee shall be conducted by a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Minute Secretary, Treasurer, Recorder and members of the committee, who shall be elected annually at the AGM. There shall also be elected at the AGM, or full committee meeting as necessary, such office bearers and committee members who shall serve as sub committees to organise and run such events as are deemed appropriate by the AGM. Each subcommittee shall have a minimum of three elected committee members serving on it to maintain continuity, and these three members shall be empowered to take decisions that are within the TLC objectives.


Committee Meetings

The committee shall be responsible for running the business and may create new rules as necessary for the furtherance of the PO administration as carried out by the TLC and absolute control of the monies is delegated to the committee. The Secretary shall call such meetings as are necessary. Office bearers do not have a vote, only the Nominated Representatives of Members who signed the 1998 agreement have the right speak and to vote. The committee meetings will only be constitutional if Five voting members are present from the listed individual organisations.



Funding is dependent on the donations or any grant it may be able to solicit, plus a levy currently £1.00 is collected from every fishing permit sold by participating members clubs and riparian members, a levy currently £1.00 from every club or association member, and a beat levy currently £15.00, on the River Tay Catchment Area. The sum is subject to change if necessary on a Motion tabled at the AGM.


Annual General Meeting

The AGM shall be held each year no later than the end of February. Notices shall be given to all members at least 14 days before the designated day of the meeting.
Business will include reports from the Committee, the adoption of the financial statements, election of offices, committee members and the auditor, special resolutions and any other business.
At the AGM at least Seven, including committee members, will constitute a quorum.



Extraordinary General Meeting

The committee may requisition an extraordinary general meeting whenever in its opinion circumstances warrant such a course. The committee shall also requisition such a meeting within 21 days of the receipt by the secretary of any written notice signed by not less than six members requesting such a meeting. Not less than 14 days notice of such a meeting shall be sent by post to all ordinary members advising them of the meeting and the business to be put before them, the quorum for such a meeting will be twelve members.



Any member(s) wishing to move a resolution at any AGM shall give written notice to the secretary, at least 21 days before the date of the meeting, with the proposer and seconder clearly indicated, and such a resolution will be included in the notice of the meeting and on the list of business convening the meeting.


Chairperson and Voting

All meetings shall have a Chairperson, the elected Chairperson of the committee or in their absence a chairperson elected for that particular meeting. In the event of votes being equal the Chairperson's vote will be the casting vote, votes will be cast by a show of hands, in the event of this not being conclusive a secret ballot shall be held.


Alterations to the Constitution

The constitution may not be amended or added to except at a general meeting of the committee called for such a purpose, any alterations must be supported by at least 66% of the senior members.



"In the event of a dissolution of the Committee at a General Meeting, all the assets of the Committee shall be disposed of as the Ordinary Members at the Meeting decide."


"In the event of dissolution of the Committee, the following provisions shall apply.

  1. If at the time of dissolution, the Committee funds shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objectives similar to those of the Committee, such an organisation or organisations to be determined by the Ordinary Members of the Committee at the General Meeting held at or before the time of dissolution, which failing, to such organisation or organisations as determined by the Sheriff Principal of Tayside, Central and Fife.

  2. All other assets of the Committee, after satisfaction of its debts and liabilities, shall be disposed of as determined by the Ordinary Members of the Committee at a General Meeting held at or before the time of dissolution."



List of Persons Entitled to Vote at all constituted Meetings

Name of Organisation


Dunkeld and Birnam Angling Association

Killin and Breadalbane Angling Club
Tay Riparian Owners
Strathmore Angling Improvement Association
Strathfillan Community Development Trust

East Loch Tay Angling Club
Stormont Angling Club
The Grayling Society
The Loch Tay Users Association
Taymouth Angling Club
Perth and District Anglers Association
Aberfeldy Angling Club
Glen Lyon Proprietors Representative
Pike Anglers Association for Scotland

The above constitution was ratified at the 2005 AGM, signed by the then elected Officers.
The original copy is in the secretary's possession.

Amendments and updates are as agreed in Committee with 2017 being the latest.

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