River Tay Freshwater Protection Order
Administered by The Tay Liaison Committee. Comprising of Nominated Representatives of Angling Clubs and Other Supporting Organisations
Angling Clubs
Furthest West Fishing to Tidal Mark at Perth
Aberfeldy Angling Club
Dunkeld and Birnam Angling Association
Killin & Breadalbane Angling Club
Perth & District Anglers Association
To book permits please visit -
Strathfillan Community Development Trust
Stanley & District Angling Club
Stormont Angling Club
Taymouth & East Loch Tay Angling Clubs – Wild Trout Trust
web address to be updated
Associated Organisations
The Grayling Society
Strathmore Angling Improvement Association
Tay District Salmon Fisheries Board
Scottish National Anglers Association
Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland